A Bike Ride Across the World

From Melbourne to London

An Amazing Journey

What is this ride all about?

When your world feels like the inside of a tumble dryer, it can be hard to get oriented.

When the wheels fall off, the strength to face the day can be somewhat elusive.

That’s where I found myself after losing my family, my business and income; uprooted from a busy household of six life-filled people to a home of one, right when COVID meant I couldn’t even legally have a mate over for a cuppa tea for months on end in the world’s most locked down city.

Rather than dwell on the darkness and unspeakable grief of all that, I know I must find a positive posture into a next chapter.

So this insane attempt to ride a motorbike from Australia to England is my way of doing just that.

Join me on my adventure

Join me as this bike and I attempt to ride from Melbourne Australia all the way through to London UK in search of hope – after my world has fallen apart. Feel free to follow along 25,000 kilometers of adventure.

Follow my Itinerary

Crazy Big World Explorer

My Trip Itinerary

This is going to be a crazy trip! Ride from Melbourne to Darwin. Catch a boat somewhere. Go from there and island hop to South East Asia. Maybe Singapore. Then travel on dirt for months through some of the toughest and most dangerous places on earth. Easy.

You can track Daniel’s precise movements on his MAP page.

Starting Melbourne...

I am riding a motorbike from Melbourne Australia...

Amazing Melbourne

What an amazing city Melbourne is. Make sure you put it on your bucket list of places to visit!

...to London

Arriving in the United Kingdom in 2023 (or, er, 2024)

Beautiful London

The number one destination city in the world! Now ruled by King Charles. Aaargh! lol.

Friends of the Ride!

I aim to raise awareness and funds for Entrust Foundation – “enabling hope in tough places” – with a resonance to my own context.  Watch this space.

A Ride for Hope

Latest Journal & Post Updates

To read in chronological order, start with the first diary entry, and follow the “next” buttons.

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