A bit of video

After hours of struggling with iMovie on an iPad, I’ve put together a bit of a summary of the trip from Melbourne to Darwin.  Here ‘tis:

It’s probably way too long, but it has taken me a couple of days of wrestling with inadequate iPad memory and limited non-laptop functionality, so reducing to this 30-min version was a significant effort.  One day I might work out how to add headers and footers, decent sound tracks etc.  For now it’s crude and rough.  If you get bored, just put it on 5x speed or find a better way to spend your half hour!

I hope it gives a bit more of a flavour of the prep and travel so far.


  • Jenny van den Bosch

    Travelled with you and enjoyed it. Thanks. You’ll get really good at the editing process very quickly. Looking forward to following progess.

  • Ah, the memories of those long days on the bike, big deep skies and far straight horizons, and the excitement of a slight curve in the highway! Then there’s the quirky sights along the road – animal letterboxes, rusting relics, HUGE trucks and weird signs. Outback caravan parks and roadhouses are quite an experience, too. You’ve done well to record so much of your travels.
    I hope you are spending at least as much time and effort observing and capturing your “internal story” as you are polishing the “external story” for us spectators, since the internal is so much more important ultimately…
    Blessings for the next stage of your journey! How many metaphors have you found linking faith to an ocean journey?
    This song seems appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GGFb6LcX3U

    • PS. not the ad that youtube puts before the song…

  • Steven Balderstone

    Daniel, this suggestion may be sacrilegious so apologies in advance: had you considered reframing your Timor Leste problem by heading directly to Papua or Surabaya?

    • Good thoughts, and certainly open to alternatives. I think PNG comes with its own set of challenges, but I’m very open to landing in either Malaysia or Indonesia. The posters I’ve put up around Darwin reference anywhere between here and Singapore!

  • Warwick

    Good job. Lots of fun. I like watching riding videos. You could easily do 4 hour ride video in PNG and I would watch it. Keep on trucking. I like the boat purchase idea. You will have to pick a cool name.

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