It’s a really social project!

Any who knows me will know that I’m an introvert – quite extreme, actually.  That speaks to the reality that I recharge from alone time.  It means I will run my batteries flat if I’m with too many people for two long without a break.

Thankfully my introversion doesn’t mean I dislike being with those people, however.  Thankfully I actually really love being with a rich diversity of people from different walks of life and with a patchwork of varied experiences.

I say “thankfully”, because this has been an extremely social week!  I’m guessing, but it could be as many as 100 conversations this week – if I include in person, phone, email etc.  It has been full on.  But I’ve loved it, because I do enjoy being with people. I love the uniqueness and gnarled beauty of each story.  I love seeing how differently each person deals with his or her own (inevitable) pain and wounds.  I love learning just a little bit (or more) from each person, as their story challenges my own perspective or grows who I am and how I see the world.  And I’ve been encouraged by how people have responded to my story, too.

A few of the many social gatherings have included:

Joey, who I met through work some months back
Allan, who showed me through his 38’ yacht on dry dock under maintenance – wonderful!
Tim, my camping neighbour for much of last week
A crowd from C3 church who welcomed me crashing their fish and chips party on Cullen Beach
Sharing a drink with Rob and Rob, two great blokes with big hospitable hearts and deep local knowledge.

I did take a recharge break this afternoon, with a bite of light lunch and a few hours wandering through the Darwin Botanical Gardens.  Thanks, Tim, for the recommendation.  It was really lovely!

Look closely and you’ll see a 5m python sunning on that branch! Wouldn’t want to be surprised on a dark night.
There are a dozen (more?) of these chairs through the park, creating beauty out of gnarled branches. Is there something in that for those of us with knots in our own stories?
This tree was almost completely uprooted, laying horizontal. All that’s shown in this photo is from a branch grown vertical from that fallen trunk. Life, beauty, and even a playground – all after the tree’s calamity. Is that not a parable of hope for all of us?
Those tree roots
Reading “Chasing Francis” in the shade






















































I have a lot to follow up on tomorrow.  I’m packing up from my camp site.  I’ve got a Darwin work meeting (!).  I’ll check in with the Timor Consulate, for possible passage options.  A bit of shopping to do.  A few new leads to follow.  Etc.

I’ve also spent much of Friday and a bit of Saturday attempting to pull together a reasonable-length video of travels so far.  The moving footage will I think add a level of interest, although fair warning that it’s the first time I’ve ever put a video together.  I know it should be edited to a much more succinct cut, but I’ve just got to find a way to pull back on the amount of time messing around with all the tech stuff!  Regardless, hopefully it’ll provide a bit more context for my trip and intimacy with my travels.

i’m missing my family painfully.  I suppose I had assumed that would dissipate with the focus on the trip, but the reverse is true.  The hole in my heart is only growing.  The ache is consuming.  They each know that I am unreservedly and without condition ready to put our family back together again.  One of the reasons for this trip is towards a better posture into all that.  To work out how to be a husband without a wife, and a family man without children in my world.  I still hold out for my miracle-working God to redeem this brokenness.  But that is not mine to control, of course.  I can control (at best) how I respond given I am no longer welcome in their world.  I love you, Kathryn, Georgia, Amy, Ruby and Andrew.  I remain yours, now and always.


NB:  Thanks heaps to Cam for helping with Tech Support for the diary, it seems I’ve now got photos working a little better.  Hopefully that’ll continue to improve.


  • Jenny Van den Bosch

    I’m enjoying the people you’re meeting. Can you get a job as crew on a freighter to get to Timor?
    You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Lindsay McMillan

    My heart aches for you

  • Telea

    Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Pending Moderation”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “following your blog” in “comment_content”

    Hello! We have been following your blog very closely, we think you should write a book “hope 1km at a time” 😆
    Incredible journey, so thankful to have met you and be able to see how this trip progresses!!
    Thinking of you, enjoy the dariwn heat!
    Telea and Shea (the border couple)

  • Marika Sisa

    I love this!! And you are doing so much better than I thought you would. We are praying with you and for you daily, and can’t wait to see where the Lord takes you!

  • Mel

    Thinking of you Daniel, and your broken heart especially. I love how much you love your family, and pray you can find some sense in all of the confusion in this new realm of separation from them. It’s a really tough journey you’re undertaking, both physically and mentally. Hoping you find solace on your travels and can soothe the savage heart along the way. Safe travels.

  • Stu L.

    Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Pending Moderation”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “out the journey” in “comment_content”

    Good luck on the passage across the Timor Daniel. Loving hearing about the journey.

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