Almost there… to major stop one on the way to London. 3,400km down. 450km to go.
It’s cooler today than the last few days – “only” 36 degrees. I’m still dripping like a watering spout. While I’m riding at least there’s a 120km/h breeze to wick the perspiration away, but while I’m writing this I’m in my very own swimming pool. Lovely!
I suspect the Telstra internet dongle has just shut down from overheating; so I’ll keep this short, see if I can figure that out to at least post this I heartbeat message, and be in touch from Darwin. Yup, the modem shut down 4g as it is operating at 57 degrees – well above healthy.
Sigh. Hopefully this draft will still be here to for publishing when next the battery is cool enough. A couple of kms of highway driving will help – both the battery and me. Will post as is when I can…
PS from Darwin – yes the draft was still here, but something fishy is happening to the images I’m loading and neither are here. I’ll worry about that another day. Thanks for your patience!
Good to hear from you. Drink lots of water.
Yikes … that temperature is unreal. Take breaks