Mataranka; and 4 hours to Darwin

Almost there… to major stop one on the way to London.  3,400km down.  450km to go.

It’s cooler today than the last few days – “only” 36 degrees.  I’m still dripping like a watering spout.  While I’m riding at least there’s a 120km/h breeze to wick the perspiration away, but while I’m writing this I’m in my very own swimming pool. Lovely!

I suspect the Telstra internet dongle has just shut down from overheating; so I’ll keep this short, see if I can figure that out to at least post this I heartbeat message, and be in touch from Darwin.  Yup, the modem shut down 4g as it is operating at 57 degrees – well above healthy.

Sigh.  Hopefully this draft will still be here to for publishing when next the battery is cool enough.  A couple of kms of highway driving will help – both the battery and me.  Will post as is when I can…


PS from Darwin – yes the draft was still here, but something fishy is happening to the images I’m loading and neither are here.  I’ll worry about that another day.  Thanks for your patience!


  • Jenny van den Bosch

    Good to hear from you. Drink lots of water.

  • Lindsay McMillan

    Yikes … that temperature is unreal. Take breaks

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