Feeling flat

I don’t expect I’ll keep up a diary daily, although these first few days that’s been the pattern.

I’m feeling particularly flat today, and none of my grand plans to be productive for my ”day job” have played out. After a great community lunch with my home group at church (I’m very thankful for the welcome into this community), and read a bit of Doug Murray’s ”The War on the West”* which seems to me to have some insightful ideas but use far too many words. Otherwise I’ve just sat or snoozed quietly on the couch.

My Antipodes to London (let’s call it ”A2L”) planning has been drip-feeding into different sections of this blog site at points through the day. I think it is going to be quite a useful way to keep track of all I need to achieve and think through before I go. I can’t imagine it will be of interest to anyone else who stumbles across these notes – but please allow me to respectfully remind you that these scribblings are primarily for me, with any benefit or interest to others only completely coincidental!

The percolating ideas about A2L are a spark of interest in an otherwise very low time. I miss my family so much.

Who knows how these plans will evolve before I go (or if I’ll even make it happen). But I suspect I’ll find myself more and more poured into them to give my current existence shape and focus.

The percolating ideas about A2L are a spark of interest in an otherwise very low time. I miss my family so much.




* Murray’s book is sub-titled “How to prevail in the age of unreason”

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