Disasters come in threes

Up at 6 this morning with a plan for a quick pack and to post haste head north.

Packing took ages, and I wasn’t on the road until around 8:30. Not the end of the world.

Went to the local supermarket for much needed supplies, and ate my muesli breakkie while I repacked the panniers.

I went to get on the bike, with the naked quad lock fixture staring back at me – no phone! Spent the next 30 mins hunting for it back at the supermarket checkout, trolleys, etc etc. It was quite a stark realisation how dependent I am in this phone.

It was then I found the left box broken. Eesh.

The phone and broken pannier sank me quite deeply into panic. Thirty minutes of phone-hunting later, I thought to ask God about it – and found it three minutes later slipped down inside the bike gear. Sheesh.

Then found a local garage who was happy to help but had no rivets. Chasing around after several options I finally arrived back at Paul Steven’s in Gawler, where Steve kindly repaired the latch. Thanks, Steve!

All in all that set me back so a planned 8am (or earlier) departure now had me rolling out of town at 11. And flustered.

Maybe 20km down the road I noticed movement on the bike, and glanced to my *horror* to find the tank bag unzipped. That’s only got my wallet, passport and other valuables (including GoPro at that time) in it. Far OUT. Pulled over. Quick check. All accounted for. Ride on. Breathing very deeply.

Been uneventful since then, although it is mighty hot at a dripping 36 degrees. Let’s just say bike gear isn’t designed for sitting by the pool sipping cocktails.

Anyway, now 2pm at a servo and I have hardly made a dent on heading north:

Not yet sure where I’ll put up the tent tonight, but somewhere a few hours north of here.

Better get back on the road.


  • Support Team

    Thats crazy Dan. Eeeecks!
    I’m sure there will be many moments of Eeeeecks to come!
    Rest easy.

  • Jenny van den Bosch

    Listen up and listen good.. Much love goes with you.

  • Alex van der End

    Nothing like that great feeling when we remember to give all our worries and concerns to God.

    “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
    ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  • Cam

    Sounds like a less haste, more SPEED. Bolts for those pannier clips if the rivets are letting go this early? Stay safe

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